Data visualization accessibility talk to share what we found after scraping alternative (alt) text from data viz shared on Twitter as part of the #TidyTuesday social project.
R-Ladies Seattle package demonstrations showing how to make beautiful slides with xaringan and how to deploy them.
An R-Ladies Philly panel and discussion event on R instruction and education.
Taller del paquete xaringan para presentaciones,
creado para R-Ladies Xalapa
An introduction to xaringan for presentations, created for the NHS-R Community 2020 Virtual Conference
An overview of the [RStudio Instructor certification]( process and collection of resources to support anyone on their certification journey.
An introductory tidyverse tutorial created and presented for R-Ladies Chicago
Tutorial on how to migrate your current Trello board to an Airtable base from start to finish.
An interactive map showing restaurants participating in Philly’s Center City District Sips 2019.