Revealing Room for Improvement in Accessibility within a Social Media Data Visualization Learning Community

Data visualization accessibility talk to share what we found after scraping alternative (alt) text from data viz shared on Twitter as part of the #TidyTuesday social project.

Writing Presentations in R

R-Ladies Seattle package demonstrations showing how to make beautiful slides with xaringan and how to deploy them.

From Learn-R to Teach-R: An Expert Panel on Effective R Instruction

An R-Ladies Philly panel and discussion event on R instruction and education.

Introducción al Paquete xaringan

Taller del paquete xaringan para presentaciones, creado para R-Ladies Xalapa

Sharing Your Work with xaringan: The Basics and Beyond

An introduction to xaringan for presentations, created for the NHS-R Community 2020 Virtual Conference

Becoming certified as an RStudio Tidyverse Instructor

An overview of the [RStudio Instructor certification](https://education.rstudio.com/trainers/#info) process and collection of resources to support anyone on their certification journey.

An Antarctic Tour of the Tidyverse

An introductory tidyverse tutorial created and presented for R-Ladies Chicago

Migrating from Trello to Airtable: Working with JSON Data in R

Tutorial on how to migrate your current Trello board to an Airtable base from start to finish.

Philly Center City Sips 2019: An Interactive Map

An interactive map showing restaurants participating in Philly’s Center City District Sips 2019.